Middleport Church of Christ
Middleport, Ohio

 We invite you to join us for worship
Sundays at 10:00am

Current Sermon series
"The Marks of a Disciple"

We have worship in the church sanctuary
or watch on our Facebook page or YouTube channel
**KidZone (children's worship) is available in the church basement 

Our Mission

"Connecting People to God and Others"

About us

We believe that God is the creator of this great world we live in and that Jesus Christ is God's Son.  We believe that the Bible is the Word of God...a love letter written to us from God Himself.  He loves us and has made a way to have a relationship with Him.  We gather each week to worship Him and learn more about His Word.  There is only One who attends here regularly that is perfect and His name is Jesus. The rest of us are works in progress.

Just some of what we do...

Community Free Dinner 

Held every 4th Friday of the month at the church's family life center on 5th street in Middleport. 

We will be serving meals inside the Family Life Center at 5:00pm while supplies last. These are free to all.

Everyone welcome. We hope to see you there!  

Reach out to someone you know who could benefit from this and bring them with you.

Blessing Box

If you have a need for non-perishable items or would like to donate items, check out our Blessing Box near the front of the church.

Ways to be involved

Become a better disciple and then make other disciples. Contact Al Hartson for more information.

This is an opportunity to help others in the church and those in our area. For more information contact Paul Dailey.

Creating opportunities to gather together to enjoy others company and encourage each other. Contact Cathy Erwin for more details on this.

Learn more

Red Cross Blood Drive

We hold two drives each year; one around New Years Eve and one around July 4th

Blessing in a Backpack

Another ministry opportunity is filling grocery bags with food items for Meigs Elementary School children to take home for the weekends. If you would like to help pack the bags, meet at the Elementary School cafeteria on Thursday evenings at 5:15.

Know someone who is?
We invite you to our GriefShare support group

Our current cycle of GriefShare meets on Tuesdays 
Feb. 18 - May 13
GriefShare is a video seminar series that features some of the nation's foremost Christian experts on grief and recovery topics. The video seminars are combined with support group discussion of the materials presented during the video.
Some topics covered are:
"Is This Normal?"
"The Challenges of Grief"
"Grief and Your Relationships"
"Guilt and Anger"

You may start at any time during the 13 weeks session.
This will be held in the church fellowship hall. Cost is $20 (scholarships available). 

pre-register at:
740-992-2914 or
Learn more

Open Gym 

For young men or men that are just young at heart we have pick up basketball in our gym every Tuesday evening from 6:00-8:00. 

If you would like to walk inside, you may use the upstairs hallway in the Family Life Center during Open Gym. Twenty-one times around is a mile.

Service times

Sunday School,
9 a.m.

Sunday morning (blended) worship service,
10 a.m.

Wednesday Bible study,
4:00  p.m.

Youth and Children

2025 VBS

July 14 - 18


VBS 2024
Bright Beginnings Learning Center 

We have a preschool in our Family Life Center for 3-4 year old children who are fully potty trained. It meets at 8:30am to 12:00 noon on Tuesday-Thursday from September through mid-May. For more information call the church office or contact the administrator on their Facebook page.

Ohio Valley Christian Assembly
OVCA web site
Jr Church program @ 10:00 every Sunday morning

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Contact us

Are you interested in joining our community? 
Then pay us a visit!
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